Ko-fi helps creators get financial support for their creations. Members can ask fans to donate as little as the price of a cup of coffee in exchange for access to a variety of content such as tutorials, videos, articles, artwork, and more. Ko-fi offers a number of useful tools and features that make it possible for creators to monetize their content in a number of ways, including monthly subscriptions and exclusive content paywalls.
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- Ease of Monetization
- Platform Stability
- Integration with Self-Hosted Blog
- Publishing Tools
- Writer Support
Platform Details
Name: Ko-fi
Date Founded: 2012
Website: Ko-fi.com
Ko-fi started out as a one page website in 2012. It allowed people to leave a tip to show appreciation for help from others. The website was expanded out of a need to help more creators get the support they needed for their work. As a free to use solution, Ko-fi has over 700,000 creators who have collectively earned over $35 million.
Ko-Fi FAQs
This section contains answers to some of the most frequently asked questions about Ko-Fi.
What is Ko-fi?
Ko-fi helps creators get financial support for their creations. Members can ask fans to donate as little as the price of a cup of coffee in exchange for access to a variety of content such as tutorials, videos, articles, artwork, and more. Ko-fi offers a number of useful tools and features that make it possible for creators to monetize their content in a number of ways, including monthly subscriptions and exclusive content paywalls.
Ko-fi started out as a one page website in 2012. It allowed people to leave a tip to show appreciation for help from others. The website was expanded out of a need to help more creators get the support they needed for their work. As a free to use solution, Ko-fi has over 700,000 creators who have collectively earned over $35 million.