Hex Color Codes for Social Media Platforms

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What Are Hex Colors?

A color hex code is a hexadecimal way to represent a color RGB format by combining three values – the amounts of red, green and blue in a particular shade of color.

These color hex codes have been an integral part of HTML for web design, and remain a key way of representing color formats digitally.

Why Are Hex Colors Important?

Think of the Coca Cola® brand. What color do you see? If you’re like most people, you see the color red. Not just any red. Coke red.

Coke spends a fortune maintaining its brand, and color is a big part of it. The Coke red is unwavering in its consistency across all of Coke’s packaging, TV ads, magazine ads, websites, digital ads and in-store merchandising.

Keeping the color right and consistent is not easy. There are thousands of designers, developers and printers working on Coke’s packaging and marketing worldwide; and there are endless varieties of mobile devices, browsers, TVs, and printing methods that carry the coke brand.

While nobody can control the variations inherent in billions of personal mobile devices and computer monitors, there are color types we use that are universal. If correctly applied, can go a long way in maintaining color consistency.

In the case of Coke, there is a specific 6 digit Hex Color Code which defines the exact shade of red that should be used in HTML design for the Web:


Brand, Company, & Website Hex Color Codes

Below is a list of some of the most popular Hex Color Codes associated with social media platforms and digital publishing platforms.

Medium Hex Color

Medium’s pallet of colors includes a sea green, as well as a solid black and solid white.

medium hex color, medium green, medium hex color code, medium sea green, medium icon, medium logo, medium seafoam green

Substack Hex Color

Substack’s pallet of colors includes a light orange, as well as a solid white accent.

substack orange, substack hex color, substack orange hex color, substack icon, substack logo, substack orange logo

LinkedIn Hex Color

LinkedIn’s pallet of colors includes a light blue, as well as a solid white accent color.

linkedin logo, linkedin hex color, linkedin hex color code, linkedin blue color, linkedin blue

YouTube Hex Color

YouTube’s pallet of colors includes a distinct bright red and a solid white accent color.

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Amazon Hex Color

Amazon’s pallet of colors includes a distinct bright orange and a solid black accent color.

amazon hex color, amazon hex color code, amazon orange color, amazon orange hex color

Facebook Hex Color

Facebook’s pallet of colors includes a distinct dark blue and a solid white accent color.

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Reddit Hex Color

Reddit’s pallet of colors includes a distinct red-tinted orange color and a solid white accent color.


Skype Hex Color

Skype’s pallet of colors includes a light blue color and a solid white accent color.


Alphabet Hex Color

Alphabet’s pallet of colors includes a bright red color and a solid white accent color.

red color alphabet, alphabet red color, alphabet red hex color code

Canva Hex Color

Canva’s pallet of colors includes a bright blue color and a solid purple accent color.

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