How to Add a Color Overlay to Images in Canva

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Steps to Add a Color Overlay in Canva

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2. Maximize Image as Page Background

Next, drag and drop the image from the previous step so that the image maximizes, and becomes the fixed background.

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3. Add Rectangular Element

Next, add a rectangle from the elements tab. This element should be on top of the background layer with the image.

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4. Increase Rectangle Size

Next, you need to increase the size of the rectangle. Drag the borders on the rectangle so that the entire image is covered by the rectangle.

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5. Change the Image Overlay Color

Next, you need to choose what color you want your image overlay color to be. To do this click once on the rectangle that is now covering your image. Next, click on the color icon on the top menu. For this example, I will choose pink as my primary overlay color.

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6. Decrease the Transparency of Rectangle Overlay

The last step is to adjust the transparency of your pink rectangle. For the purposes of this example, I decreased the transparency from 100 to 30.

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Final Product

We have now successfully added a pink color overlay to a photo:

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